May 30, 2017
Elizabeth and Roger talk about indirect costs (e.g. IDC, F&A), what they are and some of the controversies about them.
Show Notes:
Episode 39 on knowing your role:
Trump Reportedly Considering New Cuts to Biomedical Research (article by Ed Yong):
May 22, 2017
Elizabeth and Roger talk about the range of roles a faculty member plays as a part of a research team and as a part of other types of activities we participate in.
Episode 21 where we discuss the shadow mentor:
Effort Report Stickers:
May 15, 2017
Elizabeth and Roger talk about calibrating the risk:reward ratio when deciding whether to do something and the role of communication tools.
Roger on Twitter:
Elizabeth on Twitter:
Effort Report on Twitter:
Get The Art of...
May 8, 2017
Elizabeth and Roger talk more about time management, including managing office interruptions, and getting comfortable sharing ideas.
Show Notes:
Episode 33 - After the Interview:
Why academics need to focus on structuring their time:
May 1, 2017
Elizabeth and Roger talk about scheduling time to think and the idea of being passionate about what you do.
Show Notes:
Episode 23 with Al Sommer:
Roger on Twitter:
Elizabeth on Twitter:
The Effort...